Simmer Style Frugal 77l
(Technical Details: 210cm x 53cm – 77l Volume)
After more than one year of following every tweet, video and picture about the Simmer Style Frugal shape and as well I had some nice chats with the Shaper of the Board Ola Helenius - I finally ordered my Simmer Style Frugal Board with 77l.
The new short Design is something different – but not an exot because so many companies came as well with a Shortboard Wavedesign on the market (Fanatic, Starboard, Tabou, and so on)
I can definitely say that this is not just a trend – this is a new Style for your Waveriding in smaller and bigger conditions.
Here is my Summary about the Simmer Style Frugal 77:
On Land – The Shape/Design:
With the length of 210cm and a wide of max. 53cm it’s really small (smaller than a new Design Freestyle Board) but if you get in your hand it looks so different than a new Board like the Fanatic Quad from 2012 (you can see on the Picture)
One really different is the end tail – because it ends with the foodstrap! This gives you a lots of control in the turns and I think as well in jumping.
As well the Footstraps are really close to the mast.
The Board comes with some really nice footstraps and comfortable pads, and a Quad-Fin Set-Up with 13cm front and 11 cm rear fins (Slotbox System)
Yes – the recommendation from Simmer is to put the bigger fins in the front and the small in the back that’s different to the most other shapes on the market.
On the Water:
I was Sailing the Simmer Sytle Frugal 77l with my Simmer Sail; Blacktip 4.2 and 4.7 (my own weight is 72kg) at the nice Wavespot called Hanstholm / Middles.
After the first run my first impression was ‘wow, how easy is it working’ it was just like get on it and get comfortable!
I was always thinking that this shape wouldn’t be the best for bigger Waves and Strong wind and as well not for jumping but on these days in Danmark I have to say it’s the best Waveboard I ever had surfed! (comparison to the Fanatic Quad, Simmer Sytle Quantum)
After some minutes on the waves you can really feel the surfing style in it.
You can some short/quick turns on the back food and as well some longer down the line rides over the front food! The board has so mutch grip in the turns and such a good looseness on the Cutbacks that you can really get some great spray!
On the Days with my 4.2 i took the bigger fins on the end and the smaller fins in front. On the last day we get a little bit less wind and the waves getting a little bit smaller on this day I took the bigger fins in the front - so if you get this Board try every fin Set up!
As well as a truster setup!
I hope you like the summary and I wish you a lot of waves and wind!
Cheers Serge Linnekuhl